Home from surgery

Dear fans,

On Sunday, I was able to get up into my wheelchair and come home from the hospital. The surgery went very well. I had to stay in the hospital for a couple of days after surgery and all the nurses kept annoying me, but I got plenty of visitors who met me and talked to me in the hospital as I was recovering. Plenty of people made me playlists, including a 200 something song playlist I’m still whipping through.

It is really nice to be home and recovering in my own couch and bed. I’m still getting visitors at home. Thanks everyone for your support!!


  1. It’s great to hear everything went well and you’re home recovering. I hope the surgery relieved the pain you were having. Get well soon Lucas!

  2. Happy to see that. One day at a time. Also check out Metallica x Land down under on YouTube it’s an awesome mashup actually

  3. Hi Lucas !
    Wonderful news ! My family and I are hoping you make a speedy recovery and that the results of the surgery will have you feeling great !
    The holiday season is now upon us and very soon the streets and towns of dreary old England will soon be twinkling with thousands of lights ! Thank goodness you are home in your own comfy surroundings with those you love to enjoy the festivities to come ! 🤩 Sending you MASSIVE hugs and best wishes from across the pond…..Jane 😘

  4. Hello from Judy and Meow from Mistress Mouser. We are sending you wishes for a really good recovery and a better feeling back. We are glad that we found this blog and we hope to see you soon at Chorus. You and Krista are in the closing circle every time and you are always in our hearts. Much love…..

  5. Hello Lucas! Your Franklin family misses you and send lots of love your way. You are a rockstar! See you soon 💚

  6. Great news to hear, Lucas. Great to see you in this very nice photo.  You have so many people who love and care about you.  And all those cats too!
    happiness and healing to you, Robert

  7. Hi Lucas,
    I just saw one of your interviews on YouTube and I was struck at what a thoughtful person you are. I wish you all the best in your recovery.

  8. Our family is so happy to hear you are back in the comfort of your own home. May you continue to feel stronger as you recover from the surgery

  9. Greetings from Ireland Lucas! Great to hear you’re home from hospital and hope your operation was a success. I’d love to know what kind of movies you enjoy so that I can gauge your interests. However, I always recommend the following to friends….any Spielberg movies from the 80s! I also highly recommend ‘The Princess Bride’, ‘The Neverending Story’ and ‘The Goonies’.
    The Lord of the Rings series is AMAZING too. Regarding music, you can’t go wrong listening to the soundtrack ‘Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 1’.
    Take care and best wishes, Susan 😊

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