Raven diary #47 A springtime quest pt 1

Dear diary,

Raven here.

Folks. My humans and their weird guests have finally left the house. I have to have a spring Catapaloosa. I pull out my trusty computer, Dylan and bring up my FurBook page to post the news when I see a comment at the top of the page that intrigues me.

From: Purkinje and Callie

Ladies and gentlecats! We’re proud to announce that we’re embarking on another epic adventure without the confines of a human backpack or stroller. This evening, we’re inviting three brave felines to go rafting with us on Catfur River to see what elusive creatures we can find. Please call 5555555555 now. Hope to see you there.

Forget Catapaloosa. I gotta go to Catfur River with the two most daring adventurous cats on earth. I call up Lollipop and Honeytoast and tell them the great news.

The next day, Lollipop, Honeytoast and I go to Purkinje and Callie’s house and knock on the door. We signed up and we won as the three cats that will go on this epic adventure. MROWW!

“Come in!” we hear someone yowl on the other side.

We walk in and introduce ourselves to two gray cats sitting on a couch.

“You chose us for the adventure, did you not?”

“Oh yes we did,” says Callie, who has a giant red C on her collar. “We’ll be leaving soon.”

“But first,” Purkinje says, her big P collar gleaming in the sunlight. “We need to tell you our story!”

This is the story they tell.

“We first met at an animal shelter not too far front here. Perky and I were stuck in the same tiny room. Even though we were stuck, we got along very well. A year or two later, a human finally adopted us and started taking us on hikes.”

“We liked going on hikes for a little while. Our human owner carries us in a backpack and it’s really fun. But lately, being stuck in a backpack or stroller and having random humans watching us has been a little creepy. And that’s why we’re embarking on a daring adventure down Catfur River today. Are we ready?!”

“OH YEAH!!!!!”


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