Intro to Handsome Boy Writes


My name is Lucas Camilo Stansbury Hanson and I decided to share handsome boy writes with you all because (not to brag), but I have started doing some great writing this summer and I am so excited to be a writer and share my stories (and maybe the occasional ode) with the world.

You see, our family has a black cat named Raven, who we retrieved on an animal shelter on Whidbey Island. Our neighbors have a yellow/gold-ish cat named Lollipop, and Raven and Lollipop are always fighting. One night, we went to a house concert at a neighbor’s house just across our backyard. One of the songs the musician sang was about an annoying neighbor and that’s when… POP. Inspiration sparked.

To this day, I have writen so many Raven diaries and so much more. I’ve only posted my diaries up to maybe #6. I’m in the process of writing #9 now! Be sure to read them in the chronological order rather than the order I wrote them. I hope you all get a deep dive into Raven and Lollipop’s perspectives and so much more all through Handsome Boy Writes.

Yours Truly

Lucas Camilo Stansbury Handsome


  1. Lucas thinker writer comedian handsome boy keep the words flowing. You inspired storyteller. 0des are also great! Writing also frees my soul. Maybe I can share with you someday. Rjb

  2. Happy birthday 13th birthday Lucas! I hope you are having a fun filled day full of all your favorites!

  3. Happy birthday Lucas!!! I give thanks to God for the incredible human you are and all the ways your presence lifts others up. Wishing you a fantastic day of celebrating!!

  4. Hi Lucas! I’m a friend from Valley and Mountain. I’m enjoying your writing. Hope you have a fantastic birthday and get to hear some live music sometime soon.

  5. I am intrigued already simply by your introduction :). I look forward to reading about Raven and Lollipop’s adventures.
    Laurie xo

  6. Hey handsome 🙌🏼,
    Keep up the great work! You’re an inspiration and I look forward to continuing my reading of your collection of diaries in between my Neurology studies and research. Keep up the great work ❤️

  7. Lucas, you’re beyond Blessed to have that amazing family!!! I loved your interview on SBSK! Praying for you!! Stay Safe and God Bless!!

  8. Thank you! I will be reading up on your stories. Writing is such a wonderful gift, isn’t it???

  9. Hola, te conocí en tu entrevista con SBSK. Te felicito por todo lo que haces y por esa inteligencia que tienes!! Muchas bendiciones, motivas a mucha gente.

    1. Hi Lucas !
      I’m a new subscriber who is looking forward to sitting in my sunny back garden , drinking tea while reading your stories. 😉
      Best wishes , Jane from England 😊

      1. Lucas you are a true inspiration. I’m excited to read all about the adventures of Raven and Lollipop!

        There are people who have full mobility that don’t dream as big as you do. Keep making us all proud, kid!

  10. I’m excited to read these stories, Lucas (aka Handsome Boy writes)! Keep them coming! ☺️🫶🏼

  11. You rock Lucas, you are an inspiration and I appreciated learning about you on SBSK! I look forward to your entries with Raven and Lollipop. And BTW, I love classic rock music too. Fred

  12. Hi Lucas!
    Your cat tales (or should I say “tails”) ha ha are awesome. You are a very creative dude! Keep strong and smart and I look forward to more riveting chapters!

  13. I loved your interview with sbsk and look forward to reading through your blog! Hope ya have a great day and keep up with the writing talent!!

  14. Hello Lucas Camilo Stansbury Handsome,
    I am thrilled to hear about your journey and I must say your story is truly inspiring. Your writing skills have the potential to go further.
    Thank you for sharing your story with us, Lucas. Your creativity and talent are incredible. Sending warm hugs and kisses from Brazil!

  15. I saw your interview on SBSK and I look forward to reading your stories. You and your mom and dad are such an inspiration. I love classic rock as well!

  16. Hi Lucas, I hope you are still well and I enjoyed your interview with Chris on Facebook. I am a small parrot breeder in Kentucky.

  17. Hey my name is Lily and I’m excited to dive into your writing! I saw your interview with SBSK and you are so witty and insightful it’s amazing! Thank you so much for sharing your work and your experience.

  18. Hi Lucas! I am really glad to have seen your interview with SBSK and found your blog. I am going to read it al and have a lot of fun, i’m sure.

    Greetings and all the best from across the pond!

    Ron Westerduin
    Meppel, The Netherlands.

  19. Best wishes Lucas. We love reading your work, my 9 year old son finds your stories both funny and inspiring.
    Graham from the UK.

  20. Hi Lucas,
    greetings from Australia. I’m so glad you’ve found an outlet for your creativity. Bless you mate.

  21. Greetings from a recently disabled person from Norway! I can barely use my hands and feet, but don’t have tools or family that can help. I am so happy you have support around you. Best wishes to you Lucas!

  22. Hi my name is Ella! I found your blog through SBSK. From one teenager with a physical disability to the next: keep doing what you love <3 I really liked reading your blogs. You should listen to Judy Heumann she really helped me with my disability advocacy. She starred in Crip Camp and had a few TedTalks.

  23. You’re an inspiration to me Sir Stansbury. I’ve struggle years with what you’re doing right now, fulfilling your dream as a writer. People would be lucky if they only had half of your courage. I found you on YouTube and the first thing you said made me laugh out loud. “The first thing you need to know about me is I’m the most handsomest man in the Universe!” That was unexpected and a genius way to break the ice and let your personality shine.

  24. Hello Lucas. I am so glad for SBSK because it introduces me to awesome people like you. You give me inspiration to be a better person. Thank you for sharing your story with the world. I am mildly disabled and sometimes I really get down about it. I hope we can be friends. I live in Pennsylvania. Do you like any punk rock music?

  25. Oii Lucas! Sou brasileira, vou escrever em português, para que veja o quanto é diferente nosso idioma. Acabo de conhecer um pouco sobre você, através do YouTube. Estamos muito longe, mas já temos uma coisa em comum. Eu também adoro gatos. Abraços a você e a sua família.

  26. Lucas, you’re awesome.
    Saw your interview on SBSK and just had to check out your blog.
    I’m more of a dog person, but you’ve definitely given me a fresh appreciation for cats! 😛

    Keep it up, dude.
    – Buns

  27. What’s up? I read your latest entry. Pretty good writing style I was able to picture the cats and scenes in my head perfectly. Shame you can’t draw the characters and scenes yourself but did you know there are now AI art generators that can draw anything for you? I think that is worth checking out. Are you on tiktok?

  28. I just binged your Cat Diaries series and I absolutely LOVED your writing. You do dialogue and setting so well, I really enjoyed the perspective of the life of some sluicing cats!

    Really looking forward to your next entry!

  29. Hi, Lucas! It’s 12:30 in the morning and I just watched your impressive interview on YouTube (SBSK). Thank you for plugging your website; I’m looking forward to reading your work! I’ve got a Red-Earred Slider (aquatic turtle) naned “Tudor” & a former feral cat -turned spoiled house cat (brown tabby) named “Bandit.” I have some disabilities, but am also blessed with a wonderful family and a positive outlook.
    I’m impressed with your plethora of online friends across the globe (& you said that you didn’t really have any friends??😊)! I live in Florida and I’d be honored to be included in your growing list of friends. Best wishes to you and your family!

  30. Hi Lucas! I am Gia, the girl who is known to be a volenteer for special needs in my school, i wanna ask if we can be friends, i love to write as well, i wrote stories and even prompts, I also am a great actor and also wants to be a nurse when I grow up.

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