Lucas’s surgery

Dear fans,

Next Tuesday the 14th, I’m having a surgery on my back called a spinal fusion. I’ve been having a lot of back pain and this surgery is supposed to help with it. It’s supposed to straighten out the curve I’ve had in my spine. It will make it so I’m out of school for a while and I probably won’t be able to post stuff on HBW, so don’t expect anything in the coming weeks.

I am a bit nervous about what’s going to happen right after surgery. We’ll stay in the hospital for a couple days after it. But I hope it really is going to help with my pain.

I also hope it will help me stay in class and focus longer. A lot of times, I’ve had to leave classes and even leave school early because I’ve had so much pain. I really hope it will help me focus longer on school.

So be thinking of me next week. I won’t be doing a lot, so if you have book, movie or show recommendations, let me know.

See you later,

Yours truly



  1. Thank you for sharing this update, Lucas. We are cheering for you and hope that this surgery will really reduce your back pain!

  2. Stay strong. You’ll be in my prayers for a successful surgery creating good long term results!!! Lots of love and support for you and your family.

  3. Sending so many good wishes to you for your surgery and recovery, Lucas! Hopefully you won’t miss too many Heardles! We love you!

  4. Hi, Lucas!

    I will say a prayer for you. While you are recovering, try telling yourself every day that tomorrow will be better.

  5. All the best!! I am sure this operation will improve your back and will be successful. We cant wait to get an update and see you return here. Greetings from The Netherlands.

  6. Lucas, you will be so happy with your surgery, that you will be smiling, at least when you take your pain pills!!! Well, I don’t know what I am talking about but having this surgery behind you will be a celebration and a big relief!!! Yahoo to you and everyone around you. Kristin

  7. not gonna lie, patently waiting for the (lightly) medication fueled, next level psychedelic writings of HBW… thoughts inbound. you got this, bud

  8. Lucas, I’m thinking of you today and wishing you a spine-o-riffic day with a successful surgery and lots of jokes to keep up your spirits. Don’t look back (hee hee), you got this! Love ~ Tio Sha

  9. I attended a canine birthday party today attended by Mary Jo, and I agree with her admiration of your writing. I am on your list now, and I am wishing you the very best with your post-surgical progress!

  10. Best wishes for a speedy, comfortable and very successful recovery. I just met you and your family through the interview posted a while ago. Delightful! It’s so nice to meet you and your family. I wanted to tell you how much I liked the questions you asked at the ending. You are young, however I felt the questions you posed were well thought out and so mature for a person your age. I feel you are probably wise beyond your years, young Sir. Blessings to You and your Family.
    Carol FisherDonahue

  11. Hi, Lucas! I’ve heard from your grandmother that the doctors think the surgery went well. HOORAY!!! Now for the healing up and feeling better part! Thinking of you and your family all the time and sending love and hugs. As for movies, I know you’re a rocker, but if you haven’t seen The Blues Brothers, it has a lot of great music….maybe not your favorite kind, but really good. Give it a try if you haven’t seen it! XXOO Judi

  12. Hi. I was gonna try to find an email that i could email but i couldn’t find one lol so i’ll just put it here. i’ve watched your SBSK video a while back and i feel like we could be friends if we talked for a bit. we have the same music interests, etc. Ty for reading this. 🙂

  13. Bro, u are the best. Now I will tell all my high school friends and family how much I like you, the blog is very cool

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