Intro to Handsome Boy Writes

Hello My name is Lucas Camilo Stansbury Hanson and I decided to share handsome boy writes with you all because (not to brag), but I have started doing some great writing this summer and I am so excited to be a writer and share my stories (and maybe the occasional ode) with the world. You… Continue reading Intro to Handsome Boy Writes

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Raven diary #52 Party Watch

Dear diary, Raven here. Folks. It was just the handsome man’s birthday and I hear the humans threw quite a party. They had some guests over that weren’t too annoying. I just got used to them after a little while. But oh my. The small human. The small human girl was super obsessed with planning… Continue reading Raven diary #52 Party Watch

Bring the Trees Back

Hey fans, Last week, I was in an online writing camp with kids from all over the world. The camp was about Sci-Fi/Fantasy writing. We talked about elements of these genres and we all wrote our own fantasy/sci-fi stories. Here’s mine, Bring the Trees Back! In a tiny house on the outskirts of Ploof, Linda… Continue reading Bring the Trees Back