Raven diary #50: tooth turmoil

Dear diary,

Raven here.

I just had the WORST surgery done on my teeth, folks. They had to put me under anesthesia and now I need medicine and… Wait. Let me start at the beginning.

It all started one Friday morning. I wake up as nervous as a feline can be. My heart races as my human walks into the room with the dreaded cat cage.

“You ready, Raven?” asks the human. “Time to go!”

I try to yowl and claw in protest as the human locks the cage, but it’s no use.

When we arrive at the vet, we wait for an agonizing amount of time until a human walks up to us.

“Are we here for Raven?” asks the human.

“Yes,” says my human. “Let’s get her set up.”

As they carry me down a long hallway, I overhear the vet talking to my human.

“We’ll have to put her under anesthesia first,” she’s saying. “We’ll then put a tube in her mouth so her mouth stays open so we can pull those teeth.”

I’m getting jittery already, folks.

“How long will she have to stay after she wakes up?” my human asks as I’m taken into a small, dark room, the torture chamber.

“It’s going to be a few hours,” the vet says as I’m released from the cage and curl up in my bed. At least the beds’ soft and comfy. “We need to monitor her to make sure she isn’t having any severe symptoms. But for now, let’s put her under.”

A couple minutes later, I feel the oh-so-painful poke of a needle through my fur and before I know it, I’m out like a light.

Blurrrrrrrr lllllllllulmfayvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvsnevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvtuccccddddddddddadddddddddddddarddddd furball nation nooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt


Dear diary,

Raven here.

Hey folks. Sorry about that. I’m still a bit groggy and YOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWCH my mouth hurts. I try to think my happiest thoughts. What I would give right now to sink my teeth into some juicy catnip. Or eavesdrop on that loud annoying podcast with the punk rock my human always listens to. ANYTHING TO ESCAPE THIS PRISON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MROWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! But I know somewhere in the back of my cat mind, that this will be worth it in the long run.

My human comes in with a vile of what looks to be my first medicine.

“Here you go, Ravie Rave,” she says.

When the medicine goes into me, I yowl in agony. I don’t deserve to be in more pain than I’m already in, but YOWCH!!!!!!!! The pain pulses through my body as I squirm and growl at my humans.

“She’s going to be in pain when you give her the medicine,” the vet says. “But it’ll all be worth it, won’t it, Raven.”

She tries to stroke my fur, and I know she’s trying to comfort me, but I hiss her hand away. I can’t wait to get out of here.

When I’m finally discharged from the vet, I feel SO relieved. The next few weeks weren’t any better, though. I was and still am forbidden from spending any time with my feline friends. I’m officially done with my meds, but now anytime one of my humans picks me up, I’m sill afraid that medicine will poke my body. I’m still recovering and won’t be having a Catapaloosa this summer. Let’s all hope I feel all better for a Catapaloosa soon.





  1. Raven, don’t you remember that the same thing happened to me, but when I woke up I was in major Pain. When they took me to my humans, the nurse had a ziplock bag with 25 teeth in it. Did they want to save these? She asked. The humans were shocked too. My eating is really different now. I can’t even chew grass. Xoxo your cousin, Blakely

  2. Poor Raven ! 😞 What a very miserable time you are having !
    We are sending you all the love and support that we can muster to you from England. I’m sure that your humans are giving you the best of care ! 🥰

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