Raven diary #52 Party Watch

Dear diary,

Raven here.

Folks. It was just the handsome man’s birthday and I hear the humans threw quite a party. They had some guests over that weren’t too annoying. I just got used to them after a little while. But oh my. The small human. The small human girl was super obsessed with planning the party, putting up bright, annoying lights and running around like mad. I honestly got a bit overwhelmed just seeing the human run around.

But the small human wasn’t the only one tirelessly planning for the party. All the humans were getting ready. Here’s how I’m pretty sure the party went down. My humans blew up a giant fish that the human party guests got to take turns throwing. Whoever successfully threw the fish into the birthday boy’s lap got to vote on whether to keep or get rid of a weird human accessory called a beard. I purrsonally want him to keep the beard so he can grow it out and be furry like us felines, but I’ll let the humans decide. Right now, it seems the beard is going to be taken off, but it’ll grow back, I’m sure.

I also heard the humans played a game where they took turns playing the handsome man a few seconds of different songs and the handsome man guessed what songs they were. I purrsonally do not have this talent. The beginnings of songs don’t concern me, even the most iconic intros. But the handsome man is exceptional at figuring out songs just from the first two seconds! Or even from just the first second! It’s a talent I really admire and wish I had. I just need to hear some more human music.

Then, hours later, when the humans are going to bed and I’m just waking up from my nap, I’m about to go outside when I see a big white flash. I pray to Godcat for the flash to be something else. Anything else! But mere seconds later, I hear it. The unmistakable BOOM of thunder. I race into the handsome man’s bedroom and try to hide under the bed, but that just intensifies the sound. I realize the only way to get through this thunderstorm is to suck it up and watch the show. I sit on the windowsill and watch the bright flashes across the otherwise dark sky. I jump at every BOOM of thunder. But as time passes, I kinda get used to it. In fact, I really start to like it. The way the lightning flashes unpredictably across the dark sky. The way the thunder booms seconds later. It becomes a sort of game, counting the seconds between the lightning and the thunder. Relaxing and just watching on this beautiful August 17th.



  1. Great story, Handsome Man! Loved the part about Raven initially hiding under the bed, then deciding to watch the show.

    Belated Happy Birthday! It sounds like your party was super fun!

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