Raven diary #3: The Next Battle

Dear diary

Raven here

If you cats and kittens of the world have read the previous dreadful volume, you definitely do NOT want to read this second miserable tale, as this miserable and dreadful tale is even more miserable and dreadful.

Ahhhhhh, some peace under a backyard chair. The handsome boy is gone, doing what handsome boys do, probably flexing how handsome and good looking he is. Nothing for a humble cat like me to see. Under a backyard chair doesn’t hit the spot as much as the handsome boy’s toes, but it’s still a great relax spot.

Wait… A tinge of tiger orange behind the tree. I’d recognize that anywhere. LOLIPOP!!!!!! I need to wait till he’s within striking distance. Wait for it,,, Wait for it… MROWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I yowl as I pounce on Lollipop, strangling him to the ground

I dash back under the tent, tail twitching with excitement and triumph. YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally folks, after countless battles, my frenemy is done for!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait… No time for a victory dance folks. I try to tell myself it’s an illusion. That my cat eyes are playing tricks on me. But no. It’s real.


I guess our fighting days aren’t over yet.

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