Raven diary #41 Bumbercat pt 2

Dear diary, Raven here. Sorry cats and kittens. Writing that last entry, I suddenly had the urge to get really high on some catnip. Long story short, I would NOT recommend it. Anyway. When the three ATMLB members were done explaining what they could of Ochi’s mysterious disappearance, we spotted a set of pawprints leading… Continue reading Raven diary #41 Bumbercat pt 2

Categorized as Cat Diaries

Raven diary #40: Bumbercat pt 1

Dear diary, Raven here. Cats and kittens! I have some exciting news! Bumbercat is back! It’ll be today and tomorrow right in Cat Hair Square and Lollipop, Honeytoast and I are all going. My favorite metal band The Mouse Eaters are one of the headliners tonight. I can’t wait! Problem is, Lolli and Honeytoast aren’t… Continue reading Raven diary #40: Bumbercat pt 1

Categorized as Cat Diaries

Raven diary #38 The Case of the Tresspooping Felines pt 4 Bruce Yowler

Dear diary, Raven here. ^^ Sorry folks. I’ve been a little busy lately, but here I go. “Bruce who?” I meow in surprise. Lolli and I are in a corner of our neighbor, Ramona’s porch, staring at four bottles of CatShine Fur Dye. Lollipop growls and shakes his fur. “Bruce Yowler used to be my… Continue reading Raven diary #38 The Case of the Tresspooping Felines pt 4 Bruce Yowler