Dear diary, Raven here. I just had the WORST surgery done on my teeth, folks. They had to put me under anesthesia and now I need medicine and… Wait. Let me start at the beginning. It all started one Friday morning. I wake up as nervous as a feline can be. My heart races as… Continue reading Raven diary #50: tooth turmoil
Category: Cat Diaries
Raven diary #49 Raven’s rant
Dear diary, Raven here. Folks. I was just taken to the vet, and it was the worst experience a feline could have. Not only did the humans do all the usual annoying checkups on my body, but they announced that I’m gonna need a surgery done on my teeth. Come to think of it, all… Continue reading Raven diary #49 Raven’s rant
Raven diary #48 a springtime quest pt 2
Dear diary, Raven here. When we arrive at Catfur River, Perky and Callie stand up and try their best to look official. “Alright cats. Listen up,” yowls Callie. “A few simple rules before we start.” “Number one,” says Perky. “There are fish in this river. It may seem tempting, but DO NOT even attempt to… Continue reading Raven diary #48 a springtime quest pt 2
Raven diary #47 A springtime quest pt 1
Dear diary, Raven here. Folks. My humans and their weird guests have finally left the house. I have to have a spring Catapaloosa. I pull out my trusty computer, Dylan and bring up my FurBook page to post the news when I see a comment at the top of the page that intrigues me. From:… Continue reading Raven diary #47 A springtime quest pt 1
Raven diary #46 The Smooth Tanks pt 3
Dear diary, Raven here. When we arrive at the Seattle Aquarium, (turns out Aquarium Zen was too small. They had to change the location at the last second) we’re surprised to see there aren’t any humans showing up for the show. There’s only one human at the check-in space, but we’re cats. We don’t need… Continue reading Raven diary #46 The Smooth Tanks pt 3