Dear diary, Raven here. Folks. Today I set paw on a most purrrrrculiar sight. The handsome boy and another young man have partnered through human mail and an online human club about something called “Harry Potter.” No no no. That’s not it. In other news, the focusing topic is going to take a LOT more… Continue reading Raven diary #19: SQIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRELLLLLLLLL

Categorized as Cat Diaries

Raven #15 Long Lost Family

Dear diary, Raven here. This diary is dedicated to the handsome boy’s father figure!   I realize that I erased my previous diary draft. Here I go picking up where I left off.   So. I got all these letters of complaint from cats across CozyVille, and am now unleashing my escape plan! I dash… Continue reading Raven #15 Long Lost Family