My house and I

Oh, dear house, I simply cannot bring words to how much you have nourished us during this pandemic. You have always held us in your oh so loving grasp for 8-ish years. So long have you been with us through the years house. Fond memories of lying on thy fluffy floor, right next to thy… Continue reading My house and I

Extra Extra!

Hi fans and subscribers, This is another piece where I used a prompt by the podcast Story Pirates. So please enjoy the latest front page news of the Handsome Times. Extra Extra! Read all about it! HANDSOME 13-YEAR-OLD ABOUT TO RETURN TO SCHOOL AFTER AN AWESOME SUMMER. Next Wednesday, Lucas Hanson will return to school… Continue reading Extra Extra!

In Dream’s-land

Hi fans and subscribers, A couple weeks ago I was in another online writing camp called Write the World. Here is the completed version of the story I originally wrote for the camp. In Dream’s-land. 12-year-old Dream Hudson and his family were rocketing along in a vintage spaceship called The Wondership, escaping from the evil… Continue reading In Dream’s-land