Dear diary, Raven here. “CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU, YOU’VE CHASED OFF AND EATEN ALL THE BUNNIES AND PLAYED WITH ALL MY HUMAN’S TOYS, AND THAT DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN GO AROUND RUINING THE HOUSE AND BACKYARD.” To catch all you cats and kittens up, it’s becoming harsh. After… Continue reading Raven diary #6: A CATAPALOOSA EVEN WORSE

Categorized as Cat Diaries

Raven diary #4: Jedi

Dear diary. Raven here. The past three volumes have been dreadful, but this is a tale that is so miserable, so dreadful that it is bound to be banned from the Caten Hill library. When I finish writing this woeful story, these pages will be tear stained with grief. Folks. Human guests are here and… Continue reading Raven diary #4: Jedi

Categorized as Cat Diaries

Raven diary #3: The Next Battle

Dear diary Raven here If you cats and kittens of the world have read the previous dreadful volume, you definitely do NOT want to read this second miserable tale, as this miserable and dreadful tale is even more miserable and dreadful. Ahhhhhh, some peace under a backyard chair. The handsome boy is gone, doing what… Continue reading Raven diary #3: The Next Battle

Categorized as Cat Diaries

Ode to the Bagman

Recently, we went on a trip to Razar State Park and stayed in a cabin on the Skagit River. We called our cabin The Bagman and loved it so much that I wrote it an ode. Dear, dear, dear Bagman You have been but a noble, generous, and admirable cabin to us, and I mourn… Continue reading Ode to the Bagman